Support the "67 colonne per l'Arena di Verona" project at the 6th edition of the Art Bonus Contest
The first edition of the fundraising initiative "67 Colonne per l’Arena di Verona" is among the projects selected for the Art Bonus 2021 contest
The first edition of the 67 Colonne per l’Arena di Verona (67 columns for Arena di Verona) fundraising initiative, which in just over a month reached and exceeded all the objectives with really extraordinary success, has been rewarded by a further acknowledgement: in fact, it is one of the projects selected for the 2021 Art Bonus contest.
The “Art Bonus project of the year” contest was conceived in 2016 by Ales S.p.A (the company responsible for the management and promotion program of the Art Bonus on behalf of the Ministry of Culture) in collaboration with Promo PA Fondazione - LuBeC. The initiative was launched with the aim of promoting increasingly widespread knowledge of the Art Bonus Law and rewarding the commitment of all those beneficiaries and donors who enable Italy’s cultural heritage to be recovered and exploited by means of the Art Bonus.
In fact, numerous projects have been realized in recent years all over Italy thanks to this Art Bonus, which enables to receive a 65% tax credit on sums donated, which the population increasingly considers not only as a tax bonus, but also an opportunity to express its gratitude to local institutions and share the value of culture. This is why the Art Bonus is not only advantageous from a tax point of view, but a real sign of care for the community.
The 67 Colonne per l’Arena di Verona project
Renewed for 2022, following the extraordinary success that enabled to collect over a million and a half euros in just a month, the 67 Colonne per l’Arena di Verona Fundraising and Corporate Membership project was launched with the aim of providing tangible support to Fondazione Arena by ideally reconstructing the 67 column of the external wall, which collapsed in 1117, by means of the contributions of 67 donors who, in a delicate period such as that of the pandemic, rallied round the Arena due to its cultural mission and also for the economic value and the direct and indirect induced revenue it generates in the entire area every year.
In fact, Fondazione Arena is a worldwide icon of Italian character, and the economic driving force of one of Europe’s richest provinces, thanks to induced revenue assessed at approximately half a percentage point of Verona’s GDP.
The 67 columns therefore represent a virtuous example of entrepreneurs, managers, trade associations and professional bodies who, by means of this project, have shown their belief in Verona’s cultural excellence, even in one of the most difficult periods for the entire cultural sector.
How to support Fondazione Arena
Up until 21st March, it is possible to vote via this link. From 21st February to 21st March on the contest’s web site, the projects that have received at least 100 votes will remain in the contest and from 12 noon on 22nd March until 12 noon on 1st April 2022 the first 10 projects will fight it out on the Art Bonus Facebook and Instagram profiles.
The votes obtained by each project on the social media will be added to the votes previously received via the Art Bonus web site. The total of the preferences of the two votes will decree the winner. The Prize consists in a symbolic acknowledgement represented by thank you plaques, which are consigned to the beneficiary body and the donors at a public ceremony attended by the high representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the institutions involved in the initiative.