Opera Unboxing: Vanity Fair reveals how an opera at the Arena di Verona is born

A collaboration between Fondazione Arena and Vanity Fair in partnership with Unicredit

Three exceptional talents reveal the backstage of the most exciting summer festival, the Arena Opera Festival. Opera Unboxing is a video project by the Fondazione Arena di Verona and Vanity Fair, in partnership with UniCredit, that celebrates the place where the magic of opera is made, taking us to discover the incredible workshops and backstage of the Arena Opera Festival.


Mattia Stanga, Anna Dello Russo and Marcello Sacchetta lead us on a journey inside the enormous box of emotions that is the Arena di Verona. Thanks to their metaphorical unboxing, they reveal the arts, crafts, numbers and secrets of the most eagerly awaited event of the summer. The project narrates what goes on in the 10,000 square metre craft workshop on the outskirts of the city, the enormous forge of talents, carpenters, blacksmiths, sculptors, painters and then seamstresses, decorators, fitters who work throughout the year to build and maintain the sets that the artists will walk on as well as the costumes that they will wear for the festival.


The journey through the factory of wonders is combined with a trip behind the scenes at the Arena di Verona itself, through galleries and archways, to get to know the faces, dreams and ambitions of the young talents of today and tomorrow, extras, mimes, musicians, without forgetting make-up artists, hair stylists, sound engineers and all the workers, hundreds of them every night, who make every performance in the Arena unforgettable.

Episode 1: Set Design

Instagram and TikTok superstar, accustomed to creating worlds on the tiny screen of social media, Mattia Stanga is the first exceptional explorer on this journey through the Arena's giant stage and set design department.

Episode 2: Costumes

Fashion queen and style icon, Anna Dello Russo walks among hundreds of costumes stored in our tailor's workshops and reveals how the clothes that bring magic to the stage every night are created and preserved.

Episode 3: Young Talents

Marcello Sacchetta mingles with workers and performers before the premiere, to experience the adrenaline rush and discover the friendships, passions and dreams of the young talents of today and tomorrow.

Read the article on Vanity Fair

Would you like to know more? Find the Vanity Fair article about the project here!


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