Where to find us

You can reach Verona by car, bus, train or plane. On this page we have gathered some useful information for you

1. Anfiteatro Arena

Piazza Bra - 37121 Verona

2. Sede Fondazione Arena

Via Roma 7/d- 37121 Verona
Via D. Manin 5 - 37121 Verona


Visite al monumento e informazioni

3. Ticket Shop

Via Dietro Anfiteatro 6/b - 37121 Verona 
Email biglietteria@arenadiverona.it

The opening hours of the box office are as follows:
Before the start of the Festival
Monday and Friday: 10.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Saturday: 9.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. 

During the Festival
Monday to Sunday on performance days: 9.30 a.m. - until the start of the performance
Monday to Sunday on days without a performance: 9.30 a.m. - 5.45 p.m.                  

Via Gelmetto snc - 37135 Verona

See also

Useful information


Soci fondatori

Major Partner Arena di Verona Opera Festival

Official Sponsor

  • Automotive Partner

  • Mobility Partner

  • Accessibility Partner

  • Media Partner

Official Supplier

Cultural Partner

Official Partner


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