Zorba il Greco


Mikis Theodorakis


Created by Mikīs Theodōrakīs, who reworked the soundtrack he composed for the film Zorba the Greek, 1964 (based on the namesake book by Nikos Kazantzakis), with choreography by Lorca Massine, the ballet made its debut in the Arena in August 1988 with Vladimir Vasiliev and Gheorghe Iancu. Since that world premiere, Zorba the Greek has toured the stages all over the world and (on 27 and 28 August) will return to enchant the Roman Theatre. Are you ready to dance again to the sirtaki rhythm?


Teatro Romano di Verona

Show type



Approx. 1 h 50 min, including 1 interval

Please note

In the event of cancellation, Fondazione Arena di Verona reserves the right to reschedule the performance on August 30th 2024.

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