Visiting Verona

Things to do in Verona, how to get around and where to stay

Cosa vedere: a Verona

Scopri le meraviglie di Verona, la città dell'amore: tra colline, vigneti, storia millenaria e cultura, Verona è da sempre crocevia di cultura e patria dell'Arena di Verona Opera Festival.

10 wonders not to be missed

Much evidence of Verona’s long history is to be found in the city centre. The centre and surroundings are easily accessible on foot.


Piazza Bra is dominated by the imposing Roman amphitheatre Arena, built in the 1st century CE, although historians and architects still disagree on the precise date of its construction. It is one of the best preserved Roman amphitheatres, the third largest in Europe after the Colosseum in Rome and the Campano Amphitheatre near Naples.


To the south-east of the square, close to the gardens, is the neoclassical Palazzo Barbieri, now home to the City Hall, built in the 17th century for military purposes. To the south of the square is the recently restored Palazzo della Gran Guardia, now a venue for important events and exhibitions.


On the western side of the square runs the wide pavement called Liston, a traditional walking spot for the Veronese. Adjacent to the square is Corso Cavour, which coincides with Via Postumia, home to the imposing Castelvecchio, originally known as the Castle of San Martino in Aquaro, an important military building of the famous Della Scala rulers.

Casa Sartori 1898

Scopri il luogo che da oltre 125 anni incarna l’eccellenza nella tradizione vitivinicola veronese, Casa Sartori 1898.


Lasciati ammaliare dalla natura del suo parco, dall’eleganza della sua villa e dal fascino delle sue cantine. 

Cosa vedere: vicino a Verona

Se sei a Verona, non puoi perderti una visita ai dintorni della città dell'amore: situata in una posizione strategica, Verona è il punto di partenza perfetto per esplorare l'Italia!

Aquardens: Terme di Verona

Tra Verona e il Lago di Garda, sorge il parco termale più grande d’Italia: 110mila mq e 5.200 mq di vasche interne ed esterne. Adatto a tutta la famiglia e aperto tutti i giorni, Aquardens garantisce una pausa relax all’insegna del benessere, della salute e del divertimento.


Acquistando un biglietto dell’Arena di Verona Opera Festival, avrai diritto a una tariffa speciale.

Mantova Village

Regalati una giornata di compere al Mantova Village: passeggia fra i suoi cento negozi e concediti una meritata pausa in uno dei suoi invitanti bar e ristoranti.


Inoltre, ogni biglietto dell’Arena di Verona Opera Festival dà diritto a un buono sconto di 10 euro da spendere in shopping.

Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena

Sai come nasce l’Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena DOP?


Visita un’acetaia e scopri la creazione artigianale di un’eccellenza italiana amata in tutto il mondo. 

Getting around in Verona


Much of the city centre is closed to traffic, except for residents, authorised vehicles and cars going to hotels. The pedestrian areas in the centre are: Via Roma, Via Mazzini, Via Cappello, Via Leoni and Corso Porta Borsari.



The radio taxi service operates 24 hours a day and is available in Piazza Bra and at the Verona Porta Nuova railway station. Other taxi ranks can be found in Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza San Zeno, at the Borgo Trento hospital and the Borgo Roma hospital.


Telephone: +39 0450532666

Sms Taxi: +39 3403210021


Public transport services are provided by ATV, which operates all urban (Verona and districts) and suburban (province of Verona) lines. Tickets can be purchased at company ticket offices, tobacconists, newsagents, and on the bus (from the driver). See the updated rates.


There is a bicycle rental service, Verona Bike, with stalls located throughout the centre and beyond. Hereyou will find an updated map of the stations.

Book a Hotel

Verona has a wide range of hotels in the city centre and in the province of Verona. There is the possibility to find hotels and accommodation both on the hills around the city, immersed in nature amidst the vineyards of a fabulous landscape, and on Lake Garda, in the immediate vicinity of Verona. For more information about the area, services and events planned in Verona and its surroundings, you can visit the portal of the Municipality of Verona dedicated to tourism


If you have already purchased your tickets for the Opera Festival, but do not yet know where to stay, check out the promotional and exclusive offers on Verona Up, the free and secure service for your stay in Verona and province.

Useful information

For tourist information, please contact the Tourist Information and Reception Office -I.A.T. - Piazza Bra/ via degli Alpini 9.

For information on the scheduling of the various trade fairs in Verona, please visit the Veronafiere website

See also

Useful information


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Major Partner Arena di Verona Opera Festival

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