67 Columns for the Arena di Verona

The initiative created specifically to strengthen the economic relationship of Fondazione Arena with Verona and its territory

Discover the 67 columns for the Arena initiative, an important Fundraising and Corporate Membership project designed to strengthen one of the pivotal institutions when it comes to the economy and culture of the city of Verona and its territory, as well as an icon of Italian spirit throughout the world.

67 colonne

The Project

The project took its name from the idea of ideally rebuilding the outermost ring of arches, destroyed by an earthquake in 1117, with the support of entrepreneurs and professionals united by the love for the Arena as a true enterprise.

An ambitious project that, in the light of such enthusiastic participation, aims at becoming an annual membership - there is already a waiting list for 2022 - animated by the on-going arrival of new supporters, large companies and small entrepreneurs, united by the desire to be part of one of the country’s cultural excellences, a worldwide symbol of “Made in Italy”.

Al via l'edizione 2024

Ritorna nella sua quarta edizione con una serata dedicata agli imprenditori che apre ufficialmente le porte all'Arena Opera Festival 2024. 

Nato nel 2021 il progetto di fundraising e corporate membership 67 Colonne per l’Arena di Verona è cresciuto superando di anno in anno gli straordinari risultati raggiunti e riscuotendo consensi e riconoscimenti internazionali quale case history del mecenatismo culturale italiano. Nei primi mesi del 2024 ha già stato superato il milione e mezzo di euro raccoltiAperta fino al 15 aprile la prelazione per i già sostenitori, dopodiché si aprirà l’ingresso alle imprese in lista d’attesa.

Calzedonia Group and Pastificio Giovanni Rana founders of the campaign

Just a month from its presentation, the ”67 colonne per l’Arena di Verona”  fundraising project had taken off with the participation of two large companies in the role of Founders:

Calzedonia Group, who has been a supporter of the Festival since 2006, and Pastificio Giovanni Rana, back alongside the Fondazione Arena for this ambitious initiative.

The excellence of these companies, symbols of top Italian quality worldwide, joined the unique international value of the culture represented by the Arena, for a true call to action addressing other 65 donors. Soon after, professional and trade associations also joined the project, by adopting special columns and organizing activities to promote the project with their member and make them more aware of it.

Previous editions

The birth of the initiative

2020 and the lack of complete activity by the Arena di Verona Festival demonstrated in a tangible manner just how tightly the economy of the city and its amphitheatre are linked. The economic impact the Arena has on many sectors of Verona’s economy is difficult  to calculate but, on the basis of studies by Federculture and Fondazione Symbola, the economic impact of a cultural festival can be calculated at between 5 and 7 times its production value; in other words, if the turnover of the Fondazione Arena di Verona is approximately 45 million euros, for each euro spent on culture, on average €6 are generated. The impact of the Arena on the city is therefore approximately €270 million per year. A value that is even doubled in the case of international festivals with a high tourist vocation.

These results showed the importance of making the Veneto region’s economic system aware of the need to safeguard this treasure.

La seconda edizione

La raccolta del secondo anno delle 67 colonne ha superato i lusinghieri risultati della prima edizione ed è già aperta la lista d'attesa per il 2023, con l’obiettivo di accogliere nuovi sostenitori, a fianco degli storici mecenati.

Il sodalizio rappresentato dalle 67 colonne, infatti, ha permesso alla Fondazione Arena di Verona di rendere partecipi le aziende della buona gestione di questi anni e di creare un movimento d'opinione per affermare l'insostituibilità della Fondazione lirica all'interno della società e del sistema economico italiano, al quale l'indotto areniano contribuisce con oltre 400 milioni di euro.


Nell'aprile 2022 le 67 colonne si sono aggiudicate la vittoria del VI concorso Art Bonus, promosso dal Ministero della Cultura con Ales S.p.A e Promo PA Fondazione - LuBeC, raggiungendo lo straordinario risultato di 38.499 voti grazie al coinvolgimento senza precedenti delle Istituzioni venete, di grandi artisti amici dell'Arena e di personalità del mondo dello spettacolo. 

Nel luglio 2022 il progetto ha vinto la IX edizione del Premio Cultura+Impresa, il più importante riconoscimento italiano dei progetti che operano una sinergia tra la Cultura e le Imprese: una prestigiosa giuria lo ha eletto miglior progetto della sezione Art Bonus.


On 9th June, with an event that gathered all the entrepreneurs who had taken part in the fundraising in the Arena, the first edition ended of the “67 colonne per L’Arena di Verona project”, realized in partnership with Athesis publishing group and the 67 columns destroyed in 1117 were virtually rebuilt, thanks to the commitment of numerous donors who, along with the commitment of the Arena’s historical sponsors, raised over a million and a half euros.

The appeal made a few months ago therefore achieved excellent results, with over a million and a half euros raised to support Fondazione Arena, which has not only also been the emblem of Italian culture all over the world, but also one of  the very few cultural bodies that are not a burden to the country, as it returns much higher sums to the state coffers than those received. The project was reported by the various media of the Athesis Group via the protagonists’ experiences and their stories, reaching the hearts of all those who are close to the city from the point of view of collective awareness.

Thanks to all the donors who have joined our project



Giovanni Rana


Fondital - Raffmetal

Fondazione BPV


Aquardens Terme Verona

BCC Veneta

Calzaturificio Jumbo Spa

Campeggio Bella Italia Spa

Coca-Cola HBC Italia

Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Grana Padano

Credit Network & Finance Spa

Generalfinance Spa

Genny - Swinger

Gruppo Veronesi - AIA, Negroni, Veronesi

Moorer Spa

Tecres Spa


Bonomi Spa

Callipari Avv. Natale

Cartiere SACI Spa

Consorzio ZAI

Due Torri Hotel

Everel Group, Cav. Lav. Enrico Zobele

Hellas Verona F.C.

Holiday Park Piani di Clodia



Masi Agricola

Piva Group Spa

Scatolificio del Garda

Vittorio Moretti


ACS Dobfar Spa

Alessandro Medici - Madcom


Alteco Srl

AR.VE. Srl

B&P Avvocati - Butti Peres Zalin & Partners

Bauli Spa

Belluzzo International Partners

Campagnola Giorgio Cos. Gen. Srl

Casagrande Elettrocostruzioni Spa

Cereser Verona

Consultique SCF Spa

D.A.S. Difesa Legale

DIEGO M Milano

Distributori Al Risparmio

Eismann Srl

G&P Intech Srl

Gaspari Foundation

Hotel Accademia

Hotel Bologna

Hotel Colomba d'Oro

Hotel Corte Ongaro

Hotel Giulietta e Romeo

Hotel Verona


Leaderform Group

Mai Italia

MAN Truck & Bus Italia

Marilisa Allegrini

Marmi Milani

MGG Studio Legale - Maragna Giacon Ghiotto

Mondialtrans Srl

Ottella di Francesco e Michele Montresor

Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine

Pidigi Spa

Quoin Srl Engineering

Redoro Frantoi Veneti

RIAM Ascensori Srl

Sicurplanet Srl

Studio Protecno Srl

The Bridge - La Famiglia Organic

Tommasi Family Estates

Uprent di Scaligera Service

Vecomp Spa

Vista Verona

Windtex Vagotex Spa


Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova

Acque Veronesi

AMT3 Spa

Confagricoltura Verona

Confartigianato Imprese Verona

Confcommercio Verona

Consiglio Notarile di Verona

Federalberghi Verona

Funivia Malcesine - Monte Baldo

Gruppo Metinvest

Gruppo Noahlity



per il Consiglio Notarile di Verona

Roberto Leso

Do you want to be a column?

With more than EUR 3 million raised in two editions in support of the Fondazione Arena and its workers, and numerous Italian awards from the fundraising sector, this project aims to bring together the most enlightened entrepreneurs in the area as well as the most important Italian and foreign patrons, bringing them together alongside the most universal language of Italian-made products in the world: opera.

Useful informations

Soci Fondatori e Partner

Founding Members

Main Partner Arena di Verona Opera Festival